Current Classes

More of Thee:
A Thanksgiving
Do you ever feel like you want more of God? You want to see Him more clearly? To gain more of Christ and live a life of constant worship? If so, then maybe consider joining us as we meditate on thanksgiving. Far too often we take God’s merciful provisions in our lives for granted. Ingratitude can creep in and draw us into all kinds of trouble. Giving thanks, in contrast, lifts the heart, strengthens the mind and grows our faith. Remembrance of God’s great mercies, steadfast love, and wise providences draw our hearts to him. Come join us for this 10 week study as we ‘raise our Ebenezer’ and give thanks for what He has done.
Meeting in the Worship Center
Meeting in the Worship Center

The Book of Books: A Bible Survey
Our vantage point often determines our outlook. Think about how panoramic views change our perspective of the world. From a high place you can see the topography of the landscape in ways you couldn’t when you were down on the ground. You can start to see how things come together, how mountain streams become rivers and empty into oceans. This overview effect inspires us to appreciate the majesty and grandeur of God’s creation - His general revelation. The same thing happens when we stand back from God’s word - His special revelation.
When we consider the bible as single literary work - a book of books - we are inspired to marvel at God’s plan. We watch in wonder as the plot of salvation and God’s glory unfolds, woven through dramatic histories, epic poetry, precise instruction, shrouded prophesies, gospels, and sermon letters. Come join us as we take in a panoramic view of the Bible connecting each of the books to its place in the divine plot line and basking in the transcendent beauty of this book of books.
Meeting in Room 10
When we consider the bible as single literary work - a book of books - we are inspired to marvel at God’s plan. We watch in wonder as the plot of salvation and God’s glory unfolds, woven through dramatic histories, epic poetry, precise instruction, shrouded prophesies, gospels, and sermon letters. Come join us as we take in a panoramic view of the Bible connecting each of the books to its place in the divine plot line and basking in the transcendent beauty of this book of books.
Meeting in Room 10
Upcoming Class

The Song of the Redeemed
God’s marvelous plan for redemption is beautifully presented in Psalm 107. This psalm reminds the Redeemed of the Lord us how ‘Jesus sought me when a stranger’ and how he ‘rescued me from danger’. Join us in this 6 week study as we meditate on this Psalm of thanksgiving as a remembrance of God’s mysterious works in salvation. In this study we will explore deep truths about the problem of pain and how God uses trial and difficulty to call out a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Himself. Come glory with us as we sing together the song of the redeemed.
Beginning March 30th
Beginning March 30th